September 12-13-14, 2025
Gemuetlichkeit Days is a community festival to build spirit and unity by celebrating our community's German heritage in a family-friendly atmosphere.
Contest Starts on September 5, 2025!
Where will Mecki be found this year? Clues are posted each day on our Facebook Page, the Jefferson Public Library, and here on this website!
Check out this year's music line-up that will help to get your "Polka On"!
Get your G-Days Entry Buttons andT-Shirts at these select locations...
We have a great line-up of fun attractions for the whole family!
Gemuetlichkeit Days, Inc. P.O. Box 242Jefferson, WI 53549
Contact Us
Gemuetlichkeit Days would not be possible without the generous donations of our many sponsors.Gemuetlichkeit Days wouldn't be possible without their support!)